Assignments: Psychotherapy Homework Assignments

Attending therapy creates the opportunity to talk about various life challenges. These discussions can lead to new insights or perspectives that contribute to resolution of problems. Yet, treatment involves more than a weekly conversation with a therapist. Indeed, a great deal of therapeutic work occurs outside of therapy sessions through homework assignments intended to reinforce principles learned in therapy and help further personal development. Without such homework assignments, good intentions acquired from a one-hour weekly therapy session can be eclipsed stressors and demands experienced during the other 167 hours in a week. In some cases, assignments will allow you to have new experiences or cultivate new ways of thinking about your problems. Assignments will promote self-discovery and accelerate treatment progress. Finally, numerous research studies have consistently found that those who complete homework assignments outside of therapy sessions have significantly better outcomes than those who do not. Indeed, a review of several studies found that on average, patients who engaged in homework outside of therapy reported better outcomes than 70% of those who participated in therapy without homework assignments. Thus, homework adherence will help patients achieve the most out of therapy and increase the probability of attaining treatment goals.




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Meet Our Team

Dr. Rory Reid, Ph.D., LCSW, ICGC-II is a psychotherapist and specialist on impulse control disorders, gambling disorder, and compulsive sexual behavior disorder. Dr. Reid is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Research Psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at UCLA. Read more...



Rick Smith, CPGC, is a Certified Professional Gambling Counselor with years of experiencing helping problem gamblers and their loved ones.